Friday, October 21, 2011

Help Us Save Our History

Dorcheat Historical Association

 And Museum, Inc.

Happiness is accomplishing something you set out to do.

I know I join a number of others in being so happy that we have created a museum.  Not only that, it is a very good one and our team is making it continue to move forward in many different ways.  I say “our team” because we have had a remarkable number of folks join us in this endeavor.  There are our private donors, large and small, our public bodies, and our businesses.  There are our volunteer workers who have spent many hours painting, cleaning, keeping our financial records and archives, working on fund raisers, and soliciting donations.  Then there are the donors of the objects for our displays, so very important to a museum.  These have increased immensely now that our ability to display and preserve them has been shown.  Certainly our “Night for the Museum” has been a team effort-- a very successful one at that!

Our paid workers, Schelley Francis and Larry Milford, are most important cogs in the team effort and continue to grow in their abilities to create and operate a museum.

We really have an amazing success!  People are coming from all over to visit and enjoy the museum.  Other museums have visited us to study our methods of promoting the museum, as well as our display technology.

We are calling on our supporters to provide the financial assistance that will enable us to continue to move forward in preserving our heritage.

Please fill out the enclosed card and send us your gift.

Come see us!

Thad Andress, President

P.O. Box 1094  116 Pearl Street  Minden, Louisiana  71058

Click on each card to enlarge and print